Pantry Director Janet Parker Wins Award from Old Marblehead Improvement Association
The Marblehead Food Pantry holiday food drive is underway! The pantry currently serves the needs of more than 175 families in town. Director Janet Parker was recently named a well-deserved recipient of an award from OMIA (Old Marblehead Improvement Association) for her work on behalf of those in need. If you are unable to deliver goods to the pantry at 80 Atlantic Avenue yourself, please let us know and we’d be happy to arrange transport for you. They are currently in need of:
- canned fruits and applesauce
- beans (red, black, including low sodium, refried, baked)
- canned vegetables, including low or no salt (corn, peas, beets, mixed vegetables)
- canned pasta (e.g. Chef Boyardee ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs)
- chili, canned hash, beef stew
- broths (especially unsalted)
- hearty soups
- condiments (mustard, relish, especially ketchup, sauces)
- salad dressings and mayo
- pasta sauce
- spaghetti
- peanut butter and jelly/jam
- dry soups/ramen noodles
- canned tuna (esp. solid white), other canned fish (e.g. sardines, salmon), canned chicken
- rice (bags, boxes)
- sugar, flour, baking mixes, pancake mixes and syrup, vegetable oil
- milk (powdered, in packets; evaporated and condensed)
- coffee
- cereal (hot and cold)
- cookies, crackers, granola bars, other snacks
- toiletries, soap (bar and liquid), dishwashing liquid, laundry detergents, paper towels and toilet paper
- diapers (size 4, 5 & 6), pullups (4T-5T)